Black (crested) mangobey
It lives on the African continent in Angola and the Republic of the Congo. It inhabits dry tropical and subtropical forests. Spends all the time in dense tree crowns at a height of 12-30 m in groups of 10-20 individuals, very rarely descends to the ground. Pronounced sexual dimorphism. The weight of the male is from 6 to 11 kg, the females weigh less from 4 to 7 kg. The basis of the diet consists of fruits, seeds, plant nectar, insects. There are cheek bags for dragging food. Puberty occurs in females at 3 years, in males at 5 years. Pregnancy lasts 5.5-6 months. Usually 1 cub is born. The interval between childbirth is one and a half years. The baby starts eating solid food from the age of two weeks. The species is listed in the Red Book as close to a vulnerable position. Life expectancy in the wild is 20-25 years, in captivity up to 30 years.