The Red - eared turtle

Pseudemys scripta
Американские пресноводные черепахи
Украшенные черепахи

The red-eared turtle was named because of two red spots on the head, behind the eyes. With age, they become less bright. It should be noted that the spots can be not only red, but also yellow or orange. They live in the eastern United States north to Lake Michigan and Washington, as well as in Northeastern Mexico. They keep in shallow lakes and ponds with low, swampy shores. The length is up to 28 cm. Females of the red-eared turtle are larger than males. Their jaws are more developed, which allows them to eat coarse animal feed. The breed feeds on various small animals – crustaceans, fish, small rodents, etc. With age, red-eared turtles begin to eat not only animal, but also plant food, mainly algae. Red-eared turtles reach sexual maturity in nature at the age of 6-8 years, and in captivity, the ability to procreate occurs much earlier (at 4 years in males and at 5-6 years in females). In natural conditions, red-eared turtles mate in February–May, at home - at almost any time of the year, but usually in March-April. Their mating games are very interesting. During courtship (which, like mating, takes place in water), the male swims in front of the female, and with his muzzle to her, that is, backwards. At the same time, the male stretches out his front paws and gently touches her muzzle with long claws, as if stroking. Eggs are laid on land between April and June. Most often there are two clutches per year, on average about 10 eggs each.


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