Star Turtle

Geochelone elegans
Сухопутные черепахи
Сухопутные черепахи

This turtle got its name because of the yellow star-shaped pattern, which has at least eight rays. The center of this "star" coincides with the middle of the convex vertebral and costal shields. Yellow stripes are also present on the side shields, which are like a continuation of the "star" rays. The overall color of the shell is dark brown or black. This color, despite its brightness, perfectly camouflages a turtle in natural conditions. Females grow up to about 28 cm, males are much smaller – up to 15 cm. Also, males have more smoothed than females cone-shaped costal and vertebral shields. The male has one tail guard, it is elongated and falls down along the tail. This species of turtle is widespread in India, as well as in Sri Lanka and in southeastern Pakistan. It mainly inhabits savannas and decaying tropical forests. Mating in star turtles occurs from June to October during the rainy season. During this period, the female lays from one to three clutches, in each of which from 3 to 6 eggs about 4 cm in size. In natural conditions, the incubation period lasts from 45 to 147 days. At home, this period lasts from 54 to 177 days at a temperature of 28 to 30 degrees. Newborn babies do not have a "star" pattern on the shell, typical for adults. There are five or six branched black spots on the back, and there are the same on the shell on the sides. A branched yellow stripe stretches from the edge of the carapace to the top of the last vertebral shield. Five pairs of black spots are located at the joints of the shields on the plastron. The peak activity of this turtle occurs in the morning and evening. In the hot middle of the day, the turtle prefers to rest in the shade. The peak of activity occurs during the wet season, during the dry period the turtle hibernates. The lifespan of the star turtle is up to 80 years


Yulduzsimon toshbaqa
Geochelone elegans
Звездчатая черепаха
Geochelone elegans
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