The White - armed Gibbon

Hylobates lar

A monkey of the Anthropoid family. It lives in Indochina, Thailand, Sumatra and the Malacca Peninsula. It lives in tropical rain and mountain forests (up to 2000 m above sea level). Hylobates means "walking on branches" monkey. Indeed, gibbons move through trees with great agility and are able to fly from branch to branch, from one tree to another, even at a distance of 10-15 m. At the same time, they intercept the branches with one or the other long arm, while the legs are in an elongated position or the knees are pressed against the stomach. They walk on the ground in an upright position, leaning on the entire sole, and balancing with their hands. Gibbons do not nest at night and sleep in dense foliage in the middle part of the trees. At the same time, they bend their knees to the chin and cover them with their hands, and lower their head between their knees and chest. White-armed gibbons lead a monogamous lifestyle and couples stay with each other all their lives. Family groups of 2-6 or more individuals (adult male, female and cubs of different generations) live in clearly defined territories, about which they warn other gibbons by singing. Their food consists mainly of fruits and is supplemented with leaves, buds and insects. Sometimes they eat bird eggs and chicks. If an old individual lives in a group, unable to get food for himself, other members of the family take care of her and bring food. Gibbons drink from springs (they dip their brushes into the water and lick it off the wool). Pregnancy in gibbons lasts 210 days. One cub is born, usually with a two- and three-year interval. The cub is born almost naked, and the mother warms it by carrying it on her stomach. He depends on his mother for up to two years, reaches puberty by 7-10 years. The average life expectancy of Belarusian gibbons is about 25 years.


Чернорукий гиббон
Hylobates agilis
Black - armed Gibbon
Hylobates agilis
Белорукий гиббон
Hylobates lar
Qora qurolli gibbon
Hylobates agilis