Common (green) iguana

Iguana iguana
Настоящие игуаны

A large herbivorous lizard of the iguana family, leading a diurnal arboreal lifestyle. Length up to 180 cm. It is widespread in Central America. It mainly inhabits moist tropical forests, mangroves and dry, open areas of sea coasts. Spends most of his time on the branches of trees growing along the shores of reservoirs. In case of danger, he hides in the water, where he swims and dives excellently, using a long and very strong tail. In nature, most iguanas reach puberty at three or four years of age. However, in captivity, some individuals may be ready to breed at the age of 15-18 months. Since September, female iguanas leave the banks of rivers and tend to sandy shoals, where they dig shallow pits and lay eggs in them, then covering them with sand and leveling the laying site remarkably well. In Panama, there are cases of the joint use of one pit by an iguana and an American crocodile, and in Honduras - by an iguana and a crocodile caiman (Kenneth L. Krysko, Kevin M. Enge, Ellen M. Donlan, Jason C. Seitz., 2007). There are from 20 to 71 eggs in the clutch. Young lizards stick together during the first year of life. They have a distinctive feature peculiar only to this species of reptiles - in the group, males cover the females with their bodies from predators. It feeds mainly on fruits and juicy leaves, although occasionally it can also eat insects and small animals. In many countries of the world, it is very popular as a favorite exotic pet. It is well tamed, but requires proper and constant care throughout their life. In the wild, iguanas on average live about 8 years. In captivity, with proper care, an iguana can live for more than 20 years.


Обыкновенная (зеленая) игуана
Iguana iguana
Oddiy (yashil) iguana
Iguana iguana
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