Common fox

Vulpes vulpes

A predatory mammal of the canid family, the most common species of the fox genus. Body length 60-90 cm, tail — 40-60 cm, weight — 6-10 kg.
The fox's body is refined, graceful, very beautiful, ending with a large, lush tail. The legs are short, very small. The fur is dense and soft, most often red in color. But there are also foxes with dark orange, light black, silver and brown color. The fox sheds twice a year. Summer fur is much rarer and shorter, winter fur is thicker and more lush.
As a permanent area of residence, foxes choose open areas with frequent small and medium hills. It is desirable to have a small forest and a pond nearby. Here they dig their burrows, but most often expels or occupy empty dwellings of badgers, marmots, arctic foxes and other animals. 30-100 square kilometers from the burrow make up the hunting area. The fox spends most of the day in the burrow. He goes hunting late in the evening.
The red fox's diet contains over 300 species of medium and small animals and plants. The basis is made up of small rodents. Larger mammals, in particular hares, play a smaller role in nutrition.
The fox is a rather silent animal, but it can yap, bark and squeal. Swims well.
The average life expectancy is about 7 years, but foxes were caught, whose age was 20-25 years.
The mating period of the fox falls on January — March. The female usually gives birth to 4-6 (sometimes up to 13) foxes covered with dark brown fur. At the age of two weeks, the foxes begin to see and hear, they have their first teeth. For a month and a half, the mother feeds the foxes with milk, gradually accustoming the cubs to meat food.
Both parents take part in the upbringing of foxes. The father and mother exercise extreme caution at this time and, in case of a threat, immediately transfer the cubs to a spare burrow. Parents are forced to hunt around the clock to feed their offspring. Growing puppies begin to leave the "house" early, and even very small ones are often found far from the burrow.
By autumn, the foxes grow up and begin to live independently.


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Vulpes vulpes karagan
Oddiy tulki
Vulpes vulpes
Лиса обыкновенная
Vulpes vulpes
Волк обыкновенный
Canis lupus