Body length 91-180cm, tail 75-110cm, weight usually 32-40kg, occasionally up to 100kg.
It inhabits most of Africa (except the Sahara) and the southern half of Asia. Occasionally appears in Transcaucasia, in the republics of Central Asia and in the southern part of Primorye.
It lives in remote tropical, subtropical and mixed forests of the Manchurian type, on mountain slopes and plains, in savannas, thickets along the banks of rivers. Sometimes this predator lives near populated areas, keeps alone and goes hunting at night. Perfectly climbs trees, often settling down there for a day's rest or in ambush, and sometimes even catches monkeys in trees.
It mainly feeds on a relatively small variety of antelopes, deer, roe deer and other ungulates, and in case of their shortage – rodents, birds, even reptiles and insects.
Reproduces all year round. Mating takes place in January. Pregnancy lasts 3 months, 1-3 cubs appear. They are born blind, with mottled coloration. Caves, crevices, pits under the twisted roots of trees in a remote, secluded place serve as their lair. Young leopards reach full growth and sexual maturity in two years, and females somewhat earlier than males.