Macaque Japanese

Macaca fuscata

The natural habitat of Japanese macaques, which are the northernmost monkeys in the world, is located in the north of Honshu Island. Japanese macaques live in all types of forests — from subtropical to mountainous, where they feed on leaves, fruits, plant roots, as well as insects, small vertebrates and bird eggs. They even catch crustaceans, shellfish and fish in reservoirs. In the north of Japan, where snow can lie up to four months a year, and the average winter temperature is -5 ° C, monkeys spend frosts in hot springs. On cold days, snow monkeys in warm water become its hostages: when they go out for food, they freeze even more because of wet fur. Then the monkeys have a kind of duty system for feeding the group sitting in the water: two animals with dry fur bring food while others are sitting in the water. They live in large groups of 10 to 100 individuals with a strict hierarchy. The group of macaques includes both males and females. The height of males is 80-95 centimeters, the weight is 12-14 kilograms, females are lower, and the mass is about 1.5 times less. Monkeys have red skin and thick dark gray fur with a brownish tinge covering the entire body, except for the muzzle, arms and buttocks. The tail of Japanese macaques is short, no longer than 10 centimeters. They swim and dive beautifully. The male often takes part in the care of the offspring. In some groups, it is customary to wash edible objects in the sea before eating them. Pregnancy lasts 170-180 days, one cub weighing about 500 grams is born. The birth of two or more children at once is rare. Macaques live an average of 25-30 years, usually longer in captivity.


Macaca nemestrina
Макак японский
Macaca fuscata
Яванский макак или крабоед
Yapon makakasi
Macaca fuscata