Common badger

Meles meles

It inhabits almost all of Europe (except the northern regions of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Finland), Asia Minor and Central Asia, Southern and Central Siberia, the south of the Far East, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and Eastern China. Its body length is up to 90 cm, tail 24 cm, weight up to 24 kg. The badger is perfectly adapted to digging deep burrows, in which it spends a significant part of its life. Badgers live in whole families in the same place for many years, leaving their home as a "legacy" to descendants, they build entire settlements with complex labyrinths, passages and spacious dry "rooms". Their nesting chambers-bedrooms, sometimes located on several floors, are clean and well-maintained. They even have ventilation and several emergency exits. In addition to the main burrows, badgers also have spare ones, which are made a little simpler and serve as a shelter from predators. Not far from the dwelling, the animal builds a kind of toilet, digging a hole and carefully cleaning up after itself. The badger eats everything that can be chewed. But most of all he loves worms, frogs and snails. In addition, he enjoys eating berries, small rodents, lizards, mushrooms, nuts and grass. On occasion, it ruins bird nests or eats insect larvae. By autumn, he eats off and accumulates a dozen extra kilograms of fat, which serves as a source of existence for him during a long winter sleep. Badgers are monogamous, pairs form in autumn, but mating occurs at different times. Since pregnancy has a long latent stage, its duration varies from 270 to 450 days. From two to six blind badgers are born in one litter. Their mother literally gets pregnant again a few days later, just in case. Babies open their eyes on the 35th day, and two months later they feed themselves. In autumn, the children of badgers begin to live separately. It is curious that parents carefully monitor not only the safety of their brood, but also the cleanliness of the "children's" rooms. At night, they send the toddlers out for a walk, and they quickly pull out old grass and ferns outside, and replace them with fresh ones, funnily pushing bunches of greenery inside, backing up and holding them in front.


Обыкновенный барсук
Meles meles
Oddiy bo'rsiq
Meles meles
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Mustela nivalis
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