Red-legged turtle

Geochelone carbonaria
Сухопутные черепахи
Американские сухопутные черепахи

Related species belonging to the same genus Geochelone, differing in size and color of spots (according to the names) on the forelimbs. The yellow-legged turtle is somewhat larger and the length of its carapace is 55-60 cm, often up to 1 m. The red-legged turtle has a carapace length of 50 cm, occasionally reaches up to 70 cm. In adult individuals of coal turtles, it is possible to detect a narrowing of the body, called the "waist", because of which the turtle's body resembles the shape of an hourglass, which is especially pronounced in males. In yellow-legged turtles, the sides of the carapace are straight, without narrowing. The distribution area of red-legged turtles coincides with the area of yellow-legged turtles (shabuti) - tropical forests of South America. However, Shabuti prefer only moist forests, and coal turtles are often found in open dry spaces. Both species are mainly herbivorous and in nature eat various plants, leaves, fallen berries, and mushrooms, sometimes they can eat carrion. Coal turtles in captivity are able to reproduce all year round. They become sexually mature in 4-5 years. Females make 2-4 clutches per year, which are buried in a pile of fallen leaves. Eggs with lime shells. There are 5-15 eggs in a clutch. For successful mating of yellow-legged turtles, it is necessary to have not one, but two males: there will be no mating without ritual fights. In a clutch of 4-5 (maximum 15-18) elliptical eggs about 4 cm long, laid from May to June. They also bury eggs in leaves, and sometimes just leave them on the surface. Red-legged turtles live up to 30 years or more. In some cases, yellow-legged turtles can live up to 100 years.


Черепаха желтоногая (шабути)
Geochelone denticulata
Угольная, или красноногая черепаха
Geochelone carbonaria
Star Turtle
Geochelone elegans
Central Asian Turtle
Agrionemys horsfieldii